Project for: CompositionID
Purpose: To promote services and establish partnerships with local gyms, studios and training facilities in the DC, Virginia and Maryland area. 
Scope of Project​​​​​​​
For this project, the CompID requested a front and back flyer with a short description of their services and contact information. In order to do this I had to solve the problem of how I could visually communicate what CompositionID is in an effective and eye-catching manner. I did this by using an athletic model as the main focal point and then sectioning off the contact and service information into sections for easy flow and legibility.  
Critical Thinking
Since CompositionID combines real time data, nutrition and fitness knowledge to drive results, I imagined the flyer as a computer screen. In order to show the scan details from a DEXA SCAN I used a graph background on the lower part of this body and then applied transparent muscle and bone structures over this legs. As result this gives the viewer a visual representation of the body composition break down from receiving a DEXA SCAN. 
Marketing Collateral

Marketing Collateral
