Aaron Amars profil

Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Magsayaw

Based on my first baybayin typeface Malibata Neue,
resurrected and re-imagined to keep Baybayin alive and never forgotten.
Baybayin for every age and scene.

Magsayaw is a standard retro-themed .otf Baybayin Typeface, inspired by the Manila Sound from the '70s, revived for the future.

Key features:
- Ligatures for every syllable
- Baybayin Unicode System for Baybayin keyboard
- Baybayin Unicode ligatures for clean layout of marks

Crafted by Aaron Amar
See download link below

Get it for as low as $0.99 for Commercial and Personal Use

This font was tested on Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CC on Mac OS.
For suggestions and concerns, send me a message here at Bēhance or email me at jeruelaaronamar@gmail.com
Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Magsayaw

Malibata Redux Baybayin Typeface - Magsayaw

Based on my first baybayin typeface "MALIBATA NEUE" from 2014, now groovier and retrofied.
