Teydea Alonso sin profil

Appropriationism: Preservation and conservation

The indiscriminate burning of the mountains of the Canary Islands, the increase of the temperature, the neglect of the islands, the non-recognition of important areas for bird watching, the non-conservation of natural spaces, the modification of the natural environment, which difficult seriously the survival, as well as the neglect and abandonment of endemic species, has led to the abyss of the birds of the Canary Islands, a situation caused by humans.
This year (2019), one of the largest fires on the islands caused by human action has occurred, about 9,200 hectares of summit and medians have burned. Therefore, it's elaborated a project of appropriationism, with the proposal of the social cartel, inviting reflection through the power of the image.

Appropriationism: Infinity War
Appropriationism: "Las dos Fridas" by Frida Khalo
Appropriationism: "The Birds" by Alfred Hitchcock
Appropriationism: Preservation and conservation


Appropriationism: Preservation and conservation

Social project of appropriationism for the Canary Island environment
