Profil appartenant à Lucie Maria Momdjian

Gender Equality Posters

"How are you, meat?"
In the Armenian language, the word "jiger" is used to identify women as being sexy,
but the word originally means “meat”.
“kifik, jiger?” is a mix of 2 languages : Arabic and Armenian; and it sais “ how are you meat?”
This poster highlights how complimenting a woman ends up being compared
to a piece of meat.
The Armenian language has no grammatical gender, not even in the pronoun, contrary to the Arabic language. I used this notion and took the word "house wife" in Arabic (a common sentence used most of the time) and mixed it with the Armenian word, this made the expression lose its gender and be represented by both male and female.
The poster represents a man doing the dishes.
"Woman of steel"
The Armenian language has no grammatical gender, not even in the pronoun, contrary to the Arabic language. I used this notion and took the expression “chou hal abaday” used frequently in Lebanon, which means “ what a tough person” and it is stereotypically considered for a man. As I integrated the Armenian word, the expression lost the gender differentiation, and I represented the woman as being the strong person.
Woman of steel was selected in the World Biennial of Student Posters competition.
Gender Equality Posters
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Gender Equality Posters

Poster for tomorrow held a competition in 2012 about gender equality. The posters represent a Lebanese Armenian point of view of the subject.

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