Laura Defosse 的个人资料

BONEY - Branding & Packaging

A school project in which we had to imagine the "Bellejik" country in 2035 - in this case, we had to design and create a new range of local and natural packaging.
FR - Boney vous offres une gamme de produit composé de différentes sortes de miel. Miel de lavande en pot, céréales muesli au miel d'aubépine et thé au miel de tournesol. Du miel 100% naturel choisi avec soins, contenant des bienfaits pour la santé de tous. 
EN - Boney offers you a range of products composed of different kinds of honey. Potted lavender honey, hawthorn honey muesli cereal and sunflower honey tea. 100% natural honey chosen with care, containing health benefits for everyone. 
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BONEY - Branding & Packaging


BONEY - Branding & Packaging
