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Street morphology

Street morphology

Street art festival
mission - to unite cities and people / to create a new view from the window / to reveal the potential of artists / to change the attitude towards street culture.

Client: Kontora Parohodstva
Brand platform / Visual identity / Communication
Tyumen / 2020

"we make noise, not art." large cities change the mentality of a person, creating alienation, estrangement, disunity in society. Street art is seen as a phenomenon that transforms not only the space of the urban landscape, but also social and existential space. 

Street art in all its manifestations places the viewer in an unusual context of perception, allowing him to experience sensations that are unlikely in everyday life. it is an attempt to overcome the urbanistic “oppression of the environment” by creating unexpected solutions for decorating space, decisions that are equally ironic, playful and experimental.

Street morphology


Projekt gjort för

Street morphology

Street art festival / Tyumen "мы создаем шум, а не искусство". крупные города меняют ментальность человека, порождая в обществе отчуждение, отст Läs mer
