Heng Zeng's profile

Someday I Will Fly

  This is my final project of grad study, a children’s book I wrote and illustrated: Someday I Will Fly. It was honored as bronze medal by 3x3 International Illustration Competition 2020 in student category.

  The story is about a poor but kind boy’s dream to fly, and how he eventually made it happen. In the world of this story, there are many people who are able to fly, they are called flying people. All of those flying people were poor ordinary people, but they all have a kind heart, so they eventually became flying people. The protagonist of the story is the same. He is very poor. He works at the circus and works hard every day, but he can only earn very little money. And kindly, he helped a flying people that fell ill in the forest one day, and his sympathy moved other flying people. Eventually, he also became a flying people in the end, living in the paradise of flying people, and no longer had to endure the torture of his world of poverty.

  這個故事是關於一個貧窮但善良的男孩,他夢想有一天會飛翔在天空,而他最終實現了這個夢想。 在這個故事的世界中,有許多人能夠飛翔,他們被稱為飛人。 所有這些飛行的人都是貧窮的普通人,但是他們都有一顆善良的心,所以他們最終成為了飛人。 故事的主角也是一樣。 他很窮。 他在馬戲團工作,每天都在努力,但他只能掙很少的錢。 幸運的是,他有一天幫助了一個在森林裡病倒的飛人,他的善良感動了其他飛人。 最終,他最終也成為了一個飛人,生活在飛人的世外桃源中,不再需要忍受貧窮對他的折磨。
  This story took place in a virtual world, in a country named Taining. The protagonist Sheldon just lived in this country and worked at an amusement park. His job was to dress up as clown and animals to entertain the costumers of the amusement park. He worked hard but earned a little.
  There was a legend in their world that some people were able to fly. Their feathers fall to the ground, and if a person who was poor but worked hard, and picked up 1,000 feathers, he could weave his own bird costume. When he wore it, he would be able to fly and experienced real freedom. Sheldon had already collected 990 feathers, and he went to the tailor shop, asked the tailor if he could sew a costume of flying people for him. The tailor said the legend was not true, no one could fly, but still promised Sheldon to sew the costume for him if he wanted.

  One day, when Sheldon was having a rest at the back of the amusement park with clown costume, he saw a flying man flew slowly and low, seemed like he was hurt. Sheldon was worried about him, and just followed him on foot to a forest. The flying man fell down on the ground there, Sheldon appeared in front of him and asked to help him. The flying man
led him to their residence and the flying people their told Sheldon he could actually fly by his kindness, the 1,000 feather’s legend was not true.

  Sheldon understood he doesn’t to have all of those 1,000 feathers to fly, he asked the tailor to sew a costume of flying people with his 990 feathers. When he wore the costume and tried to fly, the flying people he met in the forest appeared to welcome him, he finally became a flying man.
Someday I Will Fly

Someday I Will Fly
