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721 East, an Indie-Pop Band-- Case Study

721 East, an Indie-Pop Band-- Case Study
It's one of those lazy days where all you want to do is relax, do nothing, lay in bed and listen to your favorite music. We all deserve to have these moments where we feel connected to an artist or a band; to have an experience as if we are at their concert.

 My client is wanting to create a band and showcase in front of an audience. They wanted to create a gig poster to post around town to advertise their first band performance which they would would want communicate a mood and feeling at their gigs into the composition.
At first they wanted to have a indie alternative band that had a depressing mood so I proposed in having an outline silhouette as a reflection to represent oneself evaluating their depressed and happy self. Black birds would be their monsters and the orange birds would symbolize their triumphs in both the good and bad times.

After they saw the composition, they realized they wanted to have a simpler and more understandable depiction, therefore, I suggested to have the moon rising with a dock which is more identifiable than the previous. My client unfortunately did not want to have any gradients/ blurs in their gig poster due to printing, therefore we moved on to the next.

The past two designs were mere pictures rather than a gig poster, so I proposed that the composition should consist of a scene to satisfy her request--a drive-in theater because they were  considering of becoming a country group. This was clever because an iconic thing for country artists is to talk about pick-up trucks. With lots of progress, my client decided that although it was creative in incorporating the band information, it was too chaotic.

With that idea out, they finally decided that they wanted to be an indie-pop band communicate at their gigs chill vibes that one could enjoy in the comfort of their own room. I took the bed of the truck and made it more like a mattress so that it can literally look like a bedroom.

With all those corrections, this was the final product:

Meeting Their Needs
I was able to adapt and restart multiple times to satisfy the desires of my client and take the feedback to make needed corrections.

I chose a color palette that complements and plays to the strength of creating a down-to-earth feel by using earth tones to go with the indie pop element.
My client was successful in having 200 people attend their gig which was more than they had ever imagined. They are now going on tour across the country.
721 East, an Indie-Pop Band-- Case Study

721 East, an Indie-Pop Band-- Case Study
