Danielle Browns profil

Birdies for Charity

Birdies for Charity

Harc partnered with Travelers Championship for Birdies for Charity. This unique fundraising initiative provided Harc the opportunity to receive a 15% match on donations. In 2019 Harc was the runner up and raised over $81,500 for Harc programs and services. As a result, Harc had their own booth during the Travelers Championship

Projects I helped with:

- Designed the website page, website articles, and email campaigns
- Created graphics and marketing materials for this fundraising initiative
- Provided event support at the booth
- Photographed this special event
- Worked with the Traveler's video team to create a feature movie
Travelers Championship presenting a check to all the Travelers Championship Charities, including Harc. - Photo by Travelers
Photo I look of the interview with iHeartMedia. 
The Harc crew at the Birdies for Charity Booth in the "Fan zone," at the Travelers Championship. I'm the one in green to the left.
Birdies for Charity

Birdies for Charity
