Vanessa Espinosa 님의 프로필Abigail Schreider 님의 프로필

Creating digital learning experiences in public spaces

Creating digital learning experiences
in public spaces
[Service Design, conceptualizing & prototyping]

How might we change public places into digital learning spaces?

“Experimental Box” is a box for adults and/or children that is perfect for their sparing or waiting time. It can be found around the city of Munich hidden in public places, bus stations, main streets, etc.
The idea is that people could experiment and realize that they can always learn something new and have fun at the same time. Each box has something different inside and includes topics like Science, Maths, Robotics, Coding, and many more.
Experimental box: Prototyping and testing
The experience mixes a digital and analog experience. When finding the box you have to scan the QR code with your cellphone, which unlocks the box and takes you to the website. There you can find a step by step guide to do the exercise that the box includes. Moreover, it shows you where the other boxes are hidden around the city and invites you to a “box hunting” Facebook event to do it with the family.
Role-play to explain how "experimental box" works
Thanks Global GovJam Munich!
During: Global GovJam Munich
Tools: Sketching, Adobe Illustrator, stop motion.
Skills: Ideation, HMW question, sketching, paper prototyping, interviews, iteration, role-playing.
Duration: 48 hours / Year: 2017
Team: Abi Schreider, Valeria Cagnina, Vanessa Espinosa
Creating digital learning experiences in public spaces

Creating digital learning experiences in public spaces
