Armin Vali's profile

Brochure Design | Pathos Endorphin Cd Player

Brochure design for PATHOS Endorphin CD Player
3D Model via Blender 2.8
Founded in the northern city of Vicenza in 1994, Pathos is the audio love-child of three close friends—Paolo Andriolo, an industrial designer schooled in Venice; Gaetano Zanini, a high-end audio retailer; and Gianni Borinato, a tech guy who came up with the idea for a new type of Class A amplifier circuit. As the rather romantic story goes, Gianni built a prototype amplifier, and using Gaetano’s shop as a testing and listening lab, the three quickly decided that Borinato’s circuit was so superior to anything else in the shop that the design should go into production. The zero-feedback circuit was dubbed INPOL (Inseguitore a Pompa Lineare, or Linear Pump Tracker), and ended up in Pathos’ first production unit, the unfortunately named but beautifullooking T(win) T(ower) amplifier. That amplifier is still in production—the latest version is called the TT Anniversary— and it helped define two of the company’s ongoing themes.
Brochure Design | Pathos Endorphin Cd Player

Brochure Design | Pathos Endorphin Cd Player


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