Svenja Eisenbraun 님의 프로필

There's someone in my head, but it's not me.

There's someone in my head, but it's not me.
– Lexikon des Unbewussten

Das Lexikon führt auf eine Reise ins Zwischenbewusstsein – eine Welt zwischen Bewusstem und Unbewusstem. Wer ist eigentlich dieses »Ich«, warum tun wir das, was wir tun? Wer trifft diese Entscheidungen? Das alles hat seinen Ursprung in der unendlichen Faszination dieses 3 Pfund schweren wackelpudding-artigen grauen Wunderwerk – dem Gehirn. Wir glauben, wir sehen die Welt so wie sie ist, doch wie jeder andere Mensch, verfallen wir dem mysteriösen Eigenleben unseres Gehirns und verfangen uns täglich in Selbsttäuschungen.

Juli 2013 / Betreuung: Prof. Ilka Helmig
Editorial / Typografie / Illustration
There's someone in my head, but it's not me.
– Lexicon of the Unconscious

The lexicon takes you on a journey into the intermediate consciousness - a world between conscious and unconscious. Who is this „self“ and why we do what we do? Who makes these decisions? All this originates in the captivating depths of this 3-pound jelly-like gray marvel we call our own - the brain. We believe we see the world as it is, but like everyone else, we are regulated by this organ with a life of its own and are entangled in self-delusions on a daily basis.
There's someone in my head, but it's not me.

There's someone in my head, but it's not me.

There's someone in my head, but it's not me. – Lexicon of the Unconscious – BACHELOR THESIS July 2013
