Re-Branding for Shuttles & Needles, Chennai, India

As a brand, Shuttles & Needles aspires to bring to light the meditative & joyful aspects of textile crafts like hand weaving, hand spinning & felting. They also manufacture and sell the materials required for the craft such as looms, yarns and fibres. 

My approach as a designer was to celebrate the joy of entering into the World of Fibre-Arts and finding that sense of peace that is achieved while creating with hands. The logo is hand-drawn to exemplify the fluidity of a thread moving to and fro in a weave. The visual language is inspired by the form of the looms, the warp and weft, the meditative ambiance surrounding the studio and the textures of woven fabrics. 
Creative Direction, Graphic Design: Shrishti Selvam
Photography by - Edwin J Robert
Styled by - Michelle Mendez
Shuttles & Needles

Shuttles & Needles



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