The Website
The design above is a minimal website for the branding and product to tell the viewer about the company and what they do and sell. The examples below show an introduction pages which automatically plays a advert, followed by the home page and product page.
The posters showning the animation activated when an augmented reality app is used.
Billboard design which is also an augmented reality piece of advertising, is displayed in this new format to cover all bases and more commuter routes to increase awareness of the Comber brand. The next image of of the motion sensor advert concept; which will reward viewers chance to reveal a discount offer code if they stand and look at the electronic version of this advertising poster.
This first poster design is to show a variety of the product styles in quick succession, to quickly showcase the flagship Comber watch design.
This second poster design is to reveal a limited time offer code when the poster is veiwed through an augmented reality app.
This shows examples of the Comber Eco Watch website, this shows the film advert that will play on visiting the website, along with showing where customers will buy the product. The website is also shown in the form of a mockup on a Mac screen.
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Comber Eco Watches