Arthur Girard sin profil

Euphoria - visual Idendity

Visual Identity Project Concept

Euphoria is a premium brewery selling unique beers produced in Belgium, all over the world. 
Their beer flavors are made of a solid traditional base, combine with a large set of bold notes. 
They have history, they are bold, they have passion, and they want to share it.
The challenge they have: creating an identity system that would set them apart from the competition, 
attract attention in the shelf, and represents the boldness of their beer's flavor, while embracing their vision, 
long-lasting history, and values in their company.
To solve their challenges, I came out with this:

Euphoria - visual Idendity

Euphoria - visual Idendity

This is Euphoria. Euphoria is a premium brewery selling unique beers produced in Belgium, all over the world. Their beer flavors are made of a Se mer
