Profilo di Jagoda Tokarczyk

Microscopic dentistry - website design, logo

Website design and redesign logo for Microscopic Dentistry

I noticed, that most of the dentist office websites are made from one template. They are mainly characterized by photos of smiling people (mostly stock photos) and usually the same photos as the competitors. That’s why my main goal was to achieve recognition and rememberability of this website. I resigned from using human faces there. To emphasize the modernity and high quality of the clinic's services, I decided to use 3d models. Dentistic tools, even those the most scary, turned into friendly items, when covered in deep blue colour.
I redesigned the old logo – to be consistent with the whole website. Now it completes the concept and tells more about dental specification - microscopic endodontics.

Link to the desktop prototype:
Link to the mobile prototype:
Link to the tablet prototype:

website prototype:
Microscopic dentistry - website design, logo

Microscopic dentistry - website design, logo

Link do prototypu desktopu: Link do prototypu mobile: Leggi di più
