Extasis is the energetic and ambitious Ruben Nasville's debut Album. 
The design encapsulates the meaning of the album and its songs within the  lines that create the letter forms. 
This conceptualize the different life states in which Ruben went through and was inspired by to compose 
the different songs that culminated in a single piece. Extasis, which vibrates as a whole.

The album packaging is been self-edited and artisanally crafted, with the aim of placing 
as much care and precision on every detail as his music does.

Client: Ruben Nasville
Creative agency Montalban Estudio
Art direction by Victor Montalbán
Design by Victor Montalbán & Luis Utrillas
Printed by Estudio Ductus
Photography by Estudio Ductus

Éxtasis - Nasville

Éxtasis - Nasville

Extasis is the energetic and ambitious Ruben Nasville's debut Album.  The design encapsulates the meaning of the album and its songs within the  자세히 보기
