The Rhythm Of Margate.

In this project, I have been using different materials and looking at the movement of the human body through dance. In this piece of work I have explored the curves of the human body, calligraphy and Margate (A town in South East of the UK). I created the last image in Photoshop where I spelt out the Margate in the center, with words hat you may associate with Margate around the edge. Words that I used in this project were; 'Amusement Park', 'Life', 'Town', 'Joy' and 'Sun'. I chose to accompany the word Margate with these words because I feel that it gives people an insight of what life in Margate is like. This project is inspired by the artists Haley Friensen and Nobuhrio Sato.
The Rhythm of Margate

The Rhythm of Margate



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