APHEX TWIN - Selected Ambient Work 85-92

thiscover__ Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Work 85-92
thiscover__  Augmented Reality project 

thiscover is a project born from the passion for music albums that marked the history of music and everyone’s imagery. 
Various motion designers picked their favorite records and created animations starting from the original artwork.

Album original design: https://www.number3.co/ | Animation: Davide Zetti Sound: instagram.com/danieledaniboy https://www.instagram.com/audiofabs​​​​​​​
VINYL RECORDS + AUGMENTED REALITY instagram.com/thiscover__ 

frame-by-frame animations
APHEX TWIN - Selected Ambient Work 85-92

APHEX TWIN - Selected Ambient Work 85-92

Augmented Reality project with animated album covers
