Noah Chong 的個人檔案

Unit 4 Essay and Illustration

Unit 4 Illustration Brief:
Starting in the circumstances that we did, I initially struggled to get off to a good start when beginning this project. However, as I continued to attend the workshops I found more and more that this would be a project which i would enjoy greatly and could really benefit my progress as a designer. Picking my object was relatively simple as when instructed to look for something that was impactful to me during this time, I looked immediately to my guitar as it is something I use daily to bring out my creativity and is a very important pass time for me. Attending Paula's illustrative workshops were incredible helpful as far as getting my ideas out without overthinking.

Initial scribbles:
It became clear to me that capturing the essence of the guitar was a relatively simple task. I decided therefore to target my essay in a way that made it harder for me to do so. My essay was about how the modern technological changes have greatly affected the music industry, an issue which is very rarely written about. It then became a task of how i can use the guitar to portray my opinions in an illustration alongside the essay.

Initial ideas:
After speaking with Paul during a Thursday talk, it became clear that the best way to approach my opinions on the music industry and for me its decline, I should tackle the absence of the guitar in some way. I began thinking of ways to represent absence which is when I started looking at archways and how they represent the idea of death and change.

Developed ideas:

I landed on this as my final design as it best communicated what i was writing about and overall was the cleanest design:

Illustration along with my final essay:
Incorporating unit 4 work into my final manifesto of the year

Unit 4 Essay and Illustration

Unit 4 Essay and Illustration

