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TrainingTRACKER Android App

Logo designed on Adobe Illustrator
TrainingTRACKER is an android app to manage trainings between a coach and his team members. The app was developed using Java and Firebase.

You can sign up as a coach or a member.

The app helps a Coach to :
- Create, edit and start trainings
- View team reports (average of speed, time, distance and steps)
- Send messages to teams
- Create teams and view member lists
- Edit Personal Info
and helps a Member to :
- Participate on team trainings
- View Scheduled trainings on a calendar
- View messages sent to his team
- Access to completed trainings data
- Edit Personal Info
And when the coach starts the training, these are the current interfaces for a coach and a member :
View the full code source on this Github Repository.
TrainingTRACKER Android App


TrainingTRACKER Android App

This is an android app to manage trainings between a coach and his team members. It's a school project for ENSIAS (National School of Applied Sci Read More
