Shivam Gupta's profile

En Route 20 | Identity |


En Route 2020 is National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru's design showcase for the department of Fashion Communication. The goal was to create an identity that reflected the concept of the journey of four years at NIFT.


After weeks of brainstorming the idea of conceptualising light streaks and shell came into the picture. Light streaks symbolise travelling in the dark, that is the unknown. The NIFT Bengaluru campus has been designed in the shape of a shell which was the main motivation of including it in the first place symbolising home turf. 2020 has been a tough year for most graduates, the identity aims at reminding the students that as they are finally leaving their home turf after four years of hardwork there's still long way to go and good times are en route. 

En Route 20 | Identity |

En Route 20 | Identity |

En Route 2020 is National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru's design showcase for the department of Fashion Communication. The goal was Read More
