This was part of a volunteer work I did for an Environmental Protection Non-Profit Organization. In my city, there is a beautiful lagoon called Lagoa do Abaeté. A place full of mistery, with stories and legends that inspired many artists and sognwriters. 
The name of the Lagoo, Abaeté, comes from an Indian chief who, according to indigenous legend, was enchanted and taken to the bottom of the Lagoon by Uiara. They say that at night you can hear their songs. The space is also considered sacred by Candomblé. Linked to the cult of Oxum, female deity of fresh water, associated with wealth, love and fertility. Due to the several mysterious drownings, the dazzling contrast of beauty between the dark waters and the white sands, this is an environment that impacts and enchants. The preservation of the place is extremely important as it has ecological and cultural relevance.

The brand: To design the logo, I took inspiration from indigenous and African elements: 
- The chief's headdress: feathers and bows
-The arches of the headdress are also related to the graphics of indigenous body paintings and African prints. 
-The geometry of the feathers also dialogues with the conch shell and the Oxum mirror, both elements of Candomblé.
- Ogun's mirror is also remembered through the presence of symmetry.
 The choice of colors:
 -Dark green: shade of the dark waters of the Lagoon
 -Light green: Shade of the Restinga vegetation, from the Atlantic Forest ecosystem. 
- Yellow: inspiration from Oxum’s gold ornaments.

Logo Design - Abaete Viva


Logo Design - Abaete Viva

Logomarca para a divulgação da causa Abaeté Viva. Ativismo ecológico e cultural. Foi concebida para apoiar a causa da preservação da Lagoa do Aba Развернуть
