Crosby deMenocal 的个人资料

Amobico Logo Redesign

My girlfriend's father had asked if I would be willing to experiment with the logo for his mobile/web software and services company.  The current logo had been in use for some years and needed a bit of a facelift.  In looking at the logo, I was unable to understand what the brand was or what they were about.  I decided I wanted to help create something that people would be able to recognize as a mobile/web software company.  I needed to make a logo that would help establish his brand.
I asked him what might be some key words to describe the company and their vision, and he replied: Clean, Modern, Simplistic, Cool, Mobile, High Tech, Memorable, Visionary.
I began with a few sketchs and builts off of his reactions/suggestions throughout the process.
This was their existing logo for Amobico.
A few sketch ideations of potential logos.  I wanted to put emphasize on the 'mobi' and teach the viewer how to pronounce the brand.
To futher the brand identity, I created the outline of a mobile phone for easier visual recognition and understanding.
Color samples with selected logo.
Color samples on business card layout.
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Amobico Logo Redesign

Amobico Logo Redesign

My girlfriend's father asked if I could help redesign him a logo for his company. He wanted a logo that could improve his company's branding and 阅读更多内容
