Conceptual Photography | Art Direction | Print Media

Storytelling is the foundation of a skilled designer. This fun project allowed me to practice a range of essential skills, including conceptualizing ideas, understanding composition, color theory, and achieving visual balance while effectively communicating narratives through imagery. Additionally, it provided an opportunity to enhance collaboration skills and think creatively to generate compelling ideas for visual storytelling

Projecr Brief
Explore the photography style and storytelling approach of Vogue Italia and create three stories each showcasing a distinct and compelling narrative

Story 1

The photograph portrays a grim scene: a lifeless mermaid, her fin wrapped in plastic, expelling the man-made menace. It's a distressing depiction of our oceans in agony, struggling for life under the burden of our plastic waste.
The image confronts the heart-wrenching consequences of countless marine lives lost, their final moments tainted by human actions. It serves as a powerful call to action, urging us to rethink our choices and protect our seas from further devastation.
Stroy 2

It is a representation of the global responsibility corporations hold for environmental crises.
The first image shows two men in corporate attire, surrounded by symbolic smoke, representing their contribution to Amazon burning and stubble burning in India.
In the second shot, the men are falling within the engulfing smoke, illustrating the repercussions of their actions.
This visual narrative calls for reflection on the critical need for corporate accountability and responsible environmental practices, urging a shift towards a sustainable and conscientious approach to our planet's well-being.
Story 3

The below series of photographs shed light on the detrimental impact of fast fashion on individuals and society.
Amidst this colorful abundance, a woman stands burdened by the weight of excessive garments. Her hunched posture and pallid complexion metaphorically symbolize the strain this lifestyle imposes on our bodies and minds due to the constant pursuit of material possessions. They also reflect the hidden price of this consumerism — inner emptiness and dissatisfaction.
This portrayal beckons us to reevaluate our priorities, advocating for a shift towards mindful consumption, where each choice promotes both individual wellness and a sustainable world.
Conceptual Photography | Art Direction | Print Media
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Conceptual Photography | Art Direction | Print Media

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