This section shows my website work
Insight - New opportunities for the world.  I wanted to make a website design of an IT company. I made a name, motto and logo for this purpose. Apart from design I wrote working code in Angular. You can find it on my GitHub here.
It's a simple website. It consists of one page. It's responsive and can be displayed on smartphones. It has animation on scroll, hovers and little glowing effect.
I practiced React library for making website and I came up with this little design. The short video shows a final product and picture shows the design. I made it just for my practice. It has a few modules. Left module with items. I made it for practicing the logic of React. The center is a comments section. The right module displays pictures and on the top is the menu bar. 
Code is available on my GitHub in​​​​​​​ here.
Snake game in JavaScript. I made it before I started college. I based on the tutorial I found on YouTube from this great channel -The Coding Train. I added many new features to make this game be more interesting and difficult to play. There are many visual elements that appear while gaining new levels as well as random "obstacles" such as rotating canvas or making snake move faster for a while. It's all made in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with p5.js library.
As all my works it's also available on my GitHub. Check it out.


website designs


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