The dérive is an experimental walk that provides a sense of playfulness and spontaneity towards the surroundings and the infra-ordinary.  It is a cheap and artistic technique aimed to explore one’s psychology in the environment by creating new situations. Drifting is healing, it is a pleasure. It is an avant-garde method that joins art to everyday life by questioning the concept of ‘normality’. The dérive enables to question anything - everything is open to interpretation. It employs the constant subversion of the meanings of symbols. Drifting is a revolutionary act. 

This video made out of stills is the outcome of my dérive in the quarter Sanità in Naples. 

A dérive - Rione Sanità

A dérive - Rione Sanità

A video made out of still pictures of Rione Sanità in Naples. It is a dérive, produced for the module 'psychogeography'.
