1. My desk is where a significant portion of my life has happened. Everything on and around it is personal. Surrounding it are things personal and useful to me, and it's more or less my natural habitat. And yes, the cup noodles were left there intentionally.
2. I once read a coaster that said "Life is what happens between coffee and wine." As much as I think that quote is just made to sell to dads, it's an awkwardly accurate description of how I live- I drink to wind up, I drink to wind down. 
3. This is the entrance to a path I jog down a lot, especially these days ever since I've had more time to pay attention to myself and not worry about my commute. It's a bit shady (literally and figuratively) but it's where I run and clear my head a lot, and the trees remind me a lot of where I grew up in the pines. (Even if they aren't pines.)
4. On one hand, I hate driving to places I'm obligated to go to, but on the other hand, I love driving. I don't know a lick about cars, but something about the feeling of the open road, blaring heavy metal and flooring the pedal is viscerally satisfying... even its alternative, cruising with less-heavy-metal on a few miles over the speed limit is just as relaxing.
5. Another shot of my room, the view I wake up to each day. It's a bunch of drawings I did in high school, there to look cool and to remind me of my fascination with art, as well as music. Yes, I do love dadrock. (The type of rock your dad probably listens to.)
Visual Diary

Visual Diary

