“ Tic-Tac-Toe “
50 x 10 x 10 cm
Origial Barby, Porcelain pot-head, Fabric, Metal, Silver Saucer

The most important point on this art-work is that the audience are allowed to touch and play with the Object. With her Hands , Legs and etc…or include something to it, to find their favorite position, and because of that the art-work could have different meanings at the same time. The current position chose by me cause means for me more than others...
The groundwork is Silver.
The art work called “ Tic Tac Toe” cause The Legs of the art-work remembered me to the Alphabet X and her hairless Head remembered me to the O and this different possibility to playing is like the game “ Tic Tac Toe” which also called Noughts and Crosses or  in my Country X’s and O’s...
The art work made by Old Original Barbies . As you see they are polished later by me.


The art work called “ Tic Tac Toe” cause The Legs of the art-work remembered me to the Alphabet X and her hairless Head remembered me to the O an Leer más


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