Andreea Iliescu's profile

Unreal - Game Prototype - The Gallery

The Gallery - First Person Shooter
1. Mechanics

 - Walking
 - Jumping
 - Shooting Target
 - Opening Doors

2. Systems

Health System - Player’s health will deplete when he hits some hazards and it can be replenished by picking up health pickups. 

3. Level Hazards

Steam Jets

Spinning Fan

Time Limit

4. Game Objectives

Primary Objective
 - Get high score

Secondary Objective
 - Shoot Target
 - Stay Alive
 - Compete Score

5. Game Rules
If the player shoots a target, then he receives : points, speed+, time+; depending on the target

If player touches a steam of a fan, then he loses health

If player touches s health pickup, then he gains +health

If player reaches target area, then he completes the level and receives a final score.

Unreal - Game Prototype - The Gallery

Unreal - Game Prototype - The Gallery
