
Helden/ Heroes series – The B-sides, 120/80 cm limited 1/5
I started the Helden/Heroes series with David Bowie, titled Fame. Heroes itself is also a cross reference with his album and song Heroes. I a way this whole series is inspired by Bowie. Fame was somewhat alienating and the Bowie featuring here is not drawing all attention. With Starman I place him in the spotlight. The image is loaded with links that would be recognized by any Bowie fan: Major Tom, Black Star, Starman, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Thin White Duke, Diamond Dogs. The appeal of someone like Bowie lies in his intangibility, elusiveness and fluidity. Trough his various personas he created a total experience. He guided you on his expeditions in a magical world. For me, he paved the road of becoming an artist. And he showed in his track record that that his whimsicality, artistry, commercial successes and flops all exist side by side. I think that a true creative mind that wonders and seeks, is never 100% consistent or mouldable and keeps on shifting in shape and content. Regardless of its success but with the insurance that it never stops creating. Creating is the fundament of his/her existence.  If you ask me, this is art in its purest form.
Or in his own words

“There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile”



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