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Drug Free Kids - The Pill Fairy

More than half of Canadians don't return leftover meds to the drugstore, even though they're among the drugs Canadian teens abuse most. Instead, parents ignore the risks of keeping dangerous prescriptions in the home. As though someone else will take care of the problem for them, or as if it'll simply disappear by magic.

Developed for Drug Free Kids Canada, this 360 campaign called on parents to return their old meds by showing how absurd the alternative is. The idea of a Pill Fairy may seem silly, but so is keeping drugs within kids' reach — especially when getting rid of the risk is as easy as a trip to the drug store. 

On top of TV, radio, print, digital, and out-of-home, we also developed 31 days of social content to mobilize parents throughout National Drug Drop-Off Month.

In the end, the Pill Fairy's message reached over 1 Million people, boosting Drug Free Kids' awareness and reach across platforms, and propelling them toward their goal of collecting over 900 tonnes of unused meds.
Drug Free Kids - The Pill Fairy

Drug Free Kids - The Pill Fairy
