Behind Hands 
Our hands are directly connected to our actions. They are the mediator between our intention and the act of execution. So primarily a tool. But are they really just a means to an end?

Every activity, every state and every emotion flows through our hands in a certain way. Can something go past them without a trace? Or is there more to it than their functionality? 

I got to the bottom of these questions and came to the conclusion that our hands often reflect a fairly precise picture of our person. In addition to purely external indicators such as gender, age or weight, there is also a second level.

Within them a hint of our being resonates in a quiet subtlety. You don't see it when you don't want it. It's humble and reserved, but when you look at it, it's surprising how clearly it is expressed. Our hands speak a mysterious language that is able to tell something that is difficult to grasp with words.

In my photo series I want to make this clear and to convey a expression of a person through different hands.
Behind Hands

Behind Hands

fotografische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema der Identität.
