Apurv Rayate 的个人资料

Baba Yaga's Hut: On Chicken Legs

Seeking characters from ancient tales, I found the perfect combination of a watcher and a caretaker in the Russian witch Baba Yaga. She has guided many a young hero and eaten just as many unsuspecting children in her hut, which stands on chicken legs. Her iconic shack is an apt example of the rich imagery I seek to create when I speak of deliberate experience. Creating experientially strong spaces needs wild but graceful thinking applied through design. Human life should have constant reconfiguration not simply for the sake of progress but also to celebrate joy and difference. It is to present this argument that I created this representation of her hut. My search for ideas in the occult and forgotten folklore led me to this piece. It is an experiment in character using different media and forms of making. Working on this piece, I felt that hands on activity could also be a way for people to discover themselves.
Baba Yaga's Hut: On Chicken Legs

Baba Yaga's Hut: On Chicken Legs
