These are just some of the animals I studied in Herpetology class and took pictures of with a Canon Camera. We made a web page for each animal we had duty of and some of us ended up taking care of multiply animals because some students joined the class to be lazy and didn't feed or water the animals as well as clean their cage. So a lot of kids got kicked out of the class. 

We also learned about the two different toxins or venom's as you call it. We also learned the different between venomous and poisonous  since a lot of people say "Poisonous snakes" when the proper term is venomous snakes. Because the difference in knowing can help safe your life. Venomous means if it bites you , you die. Poisonous means if you touch it you die.

Also we learned the difference in corn snakes .

Amelanistic corn usually means a corn snake without black outlines around it's patterns and Hypomelanistic or Melanistic as I learned in High School refers to the black outline of the patterns on the corn snakes patterns. Amelanistic corns can also be refers to red Albinos sometimes. 

We also learned how to carefully handle unhandled snakes and get them used to being handled. Which was a great challenge. 

We also did education for the grade schools in the area using our Huge Burmese Python to show the kids. 

The repeated pics of a certain animal is either one I really liked or was assigned to me. 

Some where more aggressive than others. 

I also serve this as a memorial to snakes that was lost due to the Teacher Patt Mckee from dieing of cancer. Patt Mckee was a wonderful teacher and he sure will be missed. I am grateful for everything I learned in this class and hope another Herpetology Lab can be opened in the High School again one day. 
Herpetology Class

Herpetology Class

Herpetology photos of reptiles and amphibians. Snakes, lizards, frogs, turtles,


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