Lucile Packard Children's Hospital TV spot
One of these kids was treated for cancer at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. Can you tell which one?
Media Temple introductory video
A short video introducing the world to the cloud-based service "in the business of hosting ideas," a tagline also written by me.

National Honey Board print ad
Aimed at active, busy women who'd rather not chug Red Bull.
The Center for Children & Youth Justice
Print ads designed to increase awareness of issues faced by children in the foster care and juvenile justice systems.

Swedish Cancer Institute campaign
Mouse pads, print and radio.
Swedish Cancer Institute 60 second radio spot "Words"
Cancer. It’s no longer a death sentence. In fact, it’s not a sentence at all. It’s just a word. Like malignant is just a word. Metastatic: a word. Colorectal carcinoma. Ok, that’s more of a phrase.
And at Swedish, we have words to throw back at all of them. Fighting words. Like brachytherapy, which can reduce breast cancer radiation treatment from weeks to days. Or Cyberknife, a device that destroys cancer tumors, while sparing healthy tissue.

At Swedish Cancer Institute, we use words like collaborative, cross-functional, and multi-disciplinary. Because our cancer specialists are all of these things. And with so many advanced therapies, we can and do use words like remission, eradication, survival and sometimes, cure. Because after all, cancer is just a word. But at Swedish, it doesn’t have to be a sentence. Listen to free podcasts about our innovative cancer services at swedish dot org slash cancer podcasts. That’s  swedish dot org slash cancer podcasts.
PAWS print ad
An ad for the Progressive Animal Welfare Society promoting meatless eating.
Clos du Bois program ad
This ad ran in conjunction with an exhibit of the Names Project, showing the winery's support of the gay community.
Saturn print ad
Dent-resistant doors are awesome.
PETsMART dog food ad
Don't feed your dog the cheap stuff, or else.
Featured Work

Featured Work

Some work I'm particularly fond of right now.
