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Tayasui Sketches 2.0

Tayasui Sketches 2.0 
Flat UI
Apple introduce iOS7 in 2013 with a completely redesigned user interface. The new look, ditches skeuomorphic design in favor of a flat and much simpler design. Joni Ive describes it "profound and enduring beauty in simplicity". It is a wonderful opportunity to rethink the Sketches interface making it even simpler and more immediate and above all in harmony with the new operating system

We started to completely redesign all the tools making them extremely iconic. We have extended the same graphical approach to the entire interface, creating a completely new, all-flat style version
Sketches II

In 2014 a new upgrade
Sketches Mac

In 2016 the Mac version of Tayasui Sketches is launched. The interface is adapted for use via computer, and from this moment a total interaction the three platforms, Mac, iPhone and iPad, is created.
Tayasui Sketches 2.0
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Tayasui Sketches 2.0

Tayasui Sketches upgrade with a new flat UI

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