Madison Robinsons profil

My First Business Card Design

My First Business Card Design!
Robinson Design Business Card

This was my first time making a business card using type, color and shapes. This card isn't going to be used as a real business card, so most of the information on it is fake. It is only a graphic design college project.

It started with lots of thumbnail sketches and then putting those sketches into Adobe Illustrator. When I was making them digital, I made them all the same font and when I had all the sketches I wanted in Illustrator, I started changing the fonts and sizes and rearranging the text. Then I added color. I showed my business cards to my teacher and he said my colors were too bright and that it would be better if it had softer colors. I toned down the vibrance of the colors by making them pale.

This business card is my favorite of the ones I made. The logo has my favorite font, Egyptian Slab, which makes it look simple but eye-catching. The line between "Robinson" and "Design" is to make the logo look interesting, but still keep it simple. My name and occupation was put at the top and bolded while the text that is slightly less important is smaller and they're put in sections of topic.
My First Business Card Design

My First Business Card Design
