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"Lazy 4 You" Album Cover Design


For this album cover, design requirements included visual unity, visual emphasis to highlight typographic treatments, use of a compound color scheme, use of vector smart objects, application of a global adjustment layer, no more and no less than two typefaces, and use of only non-destructive image editing techniques.


My inspiration for this design concept came from a music style coined as “Bedroom Pop,” where the music, album art, and overall attitude can be described simple, authentic, and “DIY.” It is less edited and curated than what we’re used to seeing in the industry. The music artist, Clairo, is a great example this artistic style. With this in mind, I wanted my album cover to be extremely simple and approachable, as if this could be any person laying in their backyard with their dog, and I utilized text that resembles quick-sketch handwriting. I applied several global adjustment layers, such as hue, brightness/contrast, and selective color to enhance the image, and I imported vector typography from Illustrator as a smart object in the color white to emphasize the text.
"Lazy 4 You" Album Cover Design

"Lazy 4 You" Album Cover Design



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