Stephen Christoforou sin profil

ISTD 2020 Paradiso: Invisible Ink

ISTD 2020: Invisible Ink
Grade: Pass

Brief 5: Paradiso
My ISTD publication was in response to the Brief 'Paradiso' which asked to reintroduce a new audience to 'The Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri. I decided to create a publication that told the story of The Divine Comedy from the beginning, but focusing on the theme of spiritual blindness. The poem is filled with blindness metaphors, so I attempted to visualise this with the colours, pacing and imagery within the publication. Each section of the publication represents the journey of dark to light/ blindness to enlightenment with the imagery appearing as distorted, symbolising Dante's blindness to his faith and gradually becoming clearer as his eyes are opened more and more as the story continues.
ISTD 2020 Paradiso: Invisible Ink

ISTD 2020 Paradiso: Invisible Ink
