Profiel van Rhianna McGregor

Major Project - Krull Island

Final Major Project - Krull Island
I chose to use the novel “The Colour of Magic” for my final major project.  This novel is part of the Discworld series written by Terry Pratchett.  The Discworld is in the shape of a flat disc that is held up by four enormous elephants.  These elephants stand upon the back of a gigantic sea turtle, Great A'Tuin. The Discworld in inhabited by many living beings including wizards, gods, trolls, dragons, and other magical creatures.  I chose to use the location of Krull Island, specifically its palace, to base my design project on.  Krull island is an island which is positioned on a cliff that overhangs the edge of Discworld.  

This islands architecture was appealing to me as it had so much opportunity for unorthodox designs - “so much of their building material had been salvaged from the Circumference the houses of Krull had a decidedly nautical persuasion”.  At the edge of the island the palace is situated and is described as “hewn out of the rock of the cliff itself, brightly lit tunnels, and courtyards open to the distant sky.”  I saw an opportunity to create a design that could incorporate both aspects of the carved rocks, tunnels, and the repurposed shipwrecks.  My main concern with the architecture of the Krullians’ palace was for it to look like it has been constructed from shipwrecks and materials that had been washed onto the rocks before it could plummet over the edge of the world.  Even the island inhabitants of astronomers and wizards allowed for a unique twist in the design.  Being able to have creative freedom with redesigning this worlds astronomy and instruments was an exciting prospect. 
Sketchup Model
AutoCAD Drawings
Major Project - Krull Island

Major Project - Krull Island

Set Design project based off the book byTerry Pratchett - "The Colour of Magic"
