jho. kr's profile


1. Monthly Design Magazine Vol.503 'z'
    Client: Monthly Design

2. MASKA 'Dreamer to Reality, Next Project: MASKA x YOU
    Client: MASKA
NXS #4 Algorithmic Anxiety explores the spectrum of algorithmic authority over our lives (whether perceived or not). The contributors question or reveal the inconspicuous influence of algorithms, in their various forms, on our behavioral patterns, emotions, and self perceptions of our position in the world.

Are algorithms really rational and only virtual? Are they better than we are in drawing up a reflection of ourselves? Can they predict our future selves? The intangibility and unclarity of the effects of algorithms on our lives can lead to the uncanny feeling of a loss of control, a sense of frustration and anxiety. Are we at risk of losing our agency to act and think, of being increasingly controlled and programmed through social credit systems, surveillance, and Big Data rankings? Are we on the path towards digitally structured totalitarianism? Control, as well as influence, over future decisions and actions, are after all the goal of pre-emptive algorithmic systems and forms of government. What does that mean for the conception of the autonomous self?

Digital Print, 2 pages, 38×15cm

Hotel Soosunhwa Anniversary Poster Series
Client: Hotel Soosunhwa
Client: 공간 사일삼 (Space 413)

사진제공: 공간 사일삼

촬영: 이생, 오창동

공간사일삼의 10주년 기획≪LATENCY≫의 두 번째 유닛프로젝트 ≪LATENCY : 구간반복≫에 작업 의뢰 및 전시 디자인의 일부를 담당하였다. 지난 100년간 공간사일삼이 위치한 주소(문래동 4가 31-48)에 입력된 값과 10주년 기획이라는 결괏값 사이에 순환, 변화의 과정을 기념하였다. 이를 위한 리서치 과정에서 발견한 이미지와 정보를 나름의 방식으로 기록하여 도출한 작업<흔적들>을 문이삭이 제작한 입면과 등치시켜 형상화하였다.

혼합매체, 3점, 가변크기
Client: Open Recent Graphic Design

Jaeho Shin had combined the official poster of Open Recent Graphic Design 2018 with timer function of the total exhibition period. This exhibition was held for 18 days and 6 posters function as a timer for 3 days each. Disappearing by time, each posters might provided useful information for both operators and visitors of the exhibition, by presenting the expiration of the exhibition period at regular intervals; day 1 to 3, day 4 to 6, day 7 to 9, day 10 to 12, day 13 to 15 and day 16 to 18. As for the design of the posters, he used the identity of the exhibition, participating artists, time, and recent events as the reference points.

Digital Video(8 hours, 9 hours), 6 pices, 1920×1080px each, 2018
1. WFS Celebr8te 2000 & Eighteen Party Poster

2. Happy / Unhappy: Unicorn, Astrology, Multiple Alliance Poster
    Client: Yangheon Lee
1. Abacus and Scale, 2019
    Client: Big-River Poster Festival

2. Junha's Planet, 2019
    Client: Jeonju Intl. Film Festival 100films 100posters
1. Zeitgeist 2030
    Client: Tele2

2. Future Design Workshop: The Evolution of the Hand
    Client: Future Design Workshop

The hand has always played a central role in creation. Despite advances in technology, the hand continues to hold a symbolic place in the mind and process of design. This event and exhibition examines how the hand continues to work in cooperation, opposition and harmony with in the tools designers use.

This exhibit will employ the special technology Arziro supplied by AGFA in tandem with Adobe Illustrator that can create complex and un-repeatable graphics.

Participants: Pang Pang Pang, Yong Sera, Shin Jaeho, Chris Ro, Pooroni Rhee, James Chae, CBR Graphic, Sarok Jung, Zero-Lab, revel9, Particle Field

Adobe: Technology & Broadcast Sponsor
AGFA: Technology & Printing Sponsor
Samwon Paper: Paper Sponsor
RYSE Hotel: Location Sponsor


