

Inspired by COVID-19 isolation, this piece was created in Adobe Illustrator using numerous layers, effects and gradient options.

Hearing about the shut-in lifestyle that many were experiencing, including myself, I chose to make a piece focusing on catharsis. ​​​​​​​


A homage to one of my favourite foods, made in Adobe Illustrator. Simple shapes and fills were used, with limited gradient effects. 

The illustration would suit products such as table top game graphics (think Sushi Go) and other themed merchandise. 

Sci-Fi Octopus

Created as a hobby piece in Adobe Photoshop, the image was painted with clean edge brushes and various levels of opacity. 

The octopus explores my love of science fiction and the deep. Reminiscent of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, it invites the imagination to create a story surrounding the creature. 

Best Mate

Created as a product for Redbubble and to represent the loyalty and love of dogs. Made entirely in Adobe Illustrator with solid fills, except for the shadows. 

I often hear people describe their dog as their "best mate", which inspired this depiction and accompanying typography. 


A portfolio of various illustrations.
