This is my outcome for my final major project. The revised project brief was “to design a bus shelter which prevents people waiting at city bus stops, being exposed to high levels of air pollution.” As well as the brief, an aim of the project was for it to be realistic and fit into a city environment. I wanted to design a bus shelter that could be manufactured tomorrow. Aiming not just to be conceptual, but be designed for manufacture. 
Taking this project on I knew it was a challenge because I had never designed anything like a bus shelter before. After research I identified that moss reduces the impact of air pollution around it through natural photosynthesis. So I used this knowledge to integrate the moss into panels on the side of the bus shelter, to create defensive wall against toxins for people inside the shelter. Through research I discovered that moss doesn't need water to stay alive, but does need to be hydrated to keep a bright green colour. So, a mist spray system is installed to keep the moss hydrated just enough to stay a healthy green colour. The shelter unfortunately cannot be completely powered by solar energy, but the solar panels minimise the amount of power required. Interestingly, through approximation calculations, through the summer months the solar panels generate too much energy. So, excess energy can be sent to the grid and used elsewhere. 

Final Major Project

Final Major Project

Air pollution reducing bus shelter. University final major project.
