SELF-Image - 3D Exhibition
ÉnKÉP – Self-Image

This exhibition is an artwork about the connection of painting and photography that incorporates a 1-year period.
The series is about self-reflection, creating a Self-Image where the model can be part of the finished artwork. Viewers will encounter unique self-images. The photos were preceded by a painstaking soul-searching, the subsistence of the inner “’ME”.

It was challenging to create an atmosphere where a given person opens up and lets me into his/her personal world and thoughts. None of the characters in the series are painters, most of them didn’t even hold a brush in their hands since their childhood, so the first task for them was to overcome this fear. I helped them in the process, we painted the picture they had imagined together, this reflecting the personality of a given person.
This process of painting together was a really exciting experience. Our joint work was preceded by long conversations, through which it surfaced why each person decided to choose a specific colour, what it really meant to them and what phase of their lives they were in.

After the completion of the painting came the stage of opening up completely, when I painted their bodies with the colours and forms used in the painting; when they stood in front of the paintings, the persons themselves completely melted into their own “SELF-IMAGE”, becoming almost one with the painting. 

Digital Exhibition

In the past one year, at the time of creating the paintings, my plan was to exhibit these right then in a suitable gallery. As the Corona virus situation in 2020 did not make this possible, I started pondering on how I could nevertheless display these pictures.
What would be the best platform for people staying at home to see the exhibition without having to leave their homes?
While I was thinking about a solution, I decided not to contact any galleries after all and I myself designed an imaginary “gallery” in digital space. This gave me a feeling of such freedom that I couldn’t even have imagined before! It was really exciting and fascinating to execute my own installations.

I’m really happy that this exhibition came about and can be seen from any part of the world and anyone can walk around virtually.
I would like to express my thanks to the 17 persons who were brave enough to take part in this work and for making this exhibition come true. They revealed what they imagined their inner self would be if it was a painting.

Special thanks to BASILISKUS 3D Zrt. for their help in creating the digital space.
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