亞洲沙示 Asia Golden Classic Sarsae

项目/ 亚洲金典沙示
设计机构/ 当下创造 DokCreate
创意总监/ YueMing
包装设计师/ 邹梓嘉&陈世杰

"唔系红花油"  亚洲金典沙示
沙示是以植物Sarsaparilla(墨西哥菝葜)为主要调味的原料,因此得名,墨西哥菝葜,自古便被视为生药、中药,药用价值很高,功效颇多,其驱风、发汗、利尿、解毒、净血等功效,被墨西哥人视为消热解暑的佳品,因此最初的“沙示’是墨西哥当地用于消热解暑的一-种自然草本汁。沙示为深褐色、味甜、不含咖啡因,色泽相近于可乐,但口味截然不同。它尝起来有一股令外人闻风丧胆的“ 风油精味儿”,亚洲沙示因此常年蝉联最难喝饮料排行榜前五。“就像可乐跑了气,然后挖了一坨清凉油泡进去。” “一辈子都不想再喝一-口的饮料。” 围绕亚洲金典沙示的特点进行探讨后,我们决定突出其独特的红花油风味来进行包装设计,力求在视觉方面达到大众对于红花油产品固有的印象.


Project / Asia Golden Classic Sarsae
Design Agency / DokCreate
Creative Director / Yue Ming
Packaging Designer / Zou Zijia & Chen Shijie

"Not safflower oil" Asia Golden Classic Sarsae
Guangzhou Asia Soda Plant is affiliated to Guangzhou Xiangxue Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., one of the earliest soda plants in China established in February 1946.Sarsae takes the plant Sarsaparilla (Mexican Smilax) as the main seasoning raw material, hence its name. Mexican Smilax has been regarded as a crude medicine since ancient times. It is a medicinal medicine with high medicinal value and many effects. The detoxification, blood purification and other effects are considered by Mexicans as a good product for eliminating heat and heat, so the original "Sarsae" is a type of natural grass juice that is useful in Mexico for heat and heat. The Sarsae is dark brown and has a sweet taste. It is caffeine-free and has a color similar to Coke, but it tastes very different. It tastes the "wind oil essence" that makes outsiders feel daunted by the outsiders, and Sarsae shows that it is ranked in the top five of the most difficult drinks perennial. "Like Coke ran away, and then dug a pile of cool oil into it." "I don't want to take another bite of a drink in my whole life.After discussing the characteristics of Asia Golden Classic Sarsae, we decided to highlight its unique safflower oil flavor for packaging design, and strive to visually achieve the public's inherent impression of safflower oil products.
亞洲沙示 Asia Golden Classic Sarsae

亞洲沙示 Asia Golden Classic Sarsae

"唔系红花油" 亚洲金典沙示 广州亚洲汽水厂隶属广州香雪制药股份有限公司,1946年2月成立的中国最早的汽水厂之一. 围绕亚洲金典沙示的特点进行探讨后,我们决定突出其独特的红花油风味来进行包装设计,力求在视觉方面达到大众对于红花油产品固有的印象.
