Perfil de Thomas Guana

Mochi-Mochi | Sonic Branding

MOCHI - MOCHIĀ DiseƱo Sonoro |Ā Sonic Branding

MOCHI MOCHI - ICE CREAM es una heladerĆ­a colombiana que surge del emprendimiento de dos hermanas, SofĆ­a y MarĆ­a Mallarino quienes posterior a un viaje a JapĆ³n y conocer un tĆ­pico postre llamado "Mochi", deciden fusionar la cultura japonesa y colombiana para crear su propia interpretaciĆ³n del helado.

ā€œEl mochi es un dulce tradicional japonĆ©s hecho de arroz con un relleno de helado, con la apariencia de un pastel pequeƱoā€


MOCHI MOCHI - ICE CREAM is a Colombian ice cream parlor that arises from the entrepreneurship of two sisters, SofĆ­a and MarĆ­a Mallarino, who after a trip to Japan and discovering a typical dessert called "Mochi", decide to merge Japanese and Colombian culture to create their own interpretation of ice cream.

"Mochi is a traditional Japanese sweet made from rice with an ice cream filling, with the appearance of a small cake"

A partir de conocer y estudiar la marca se decide que su enfoque es el de brindar a sus clientes un postre ā€œdelicioso para el alma, dispuesto a dar felicidad y satisfacciĆ³n en cada mordiscoā€ y que sus principales aspectos a resaltar son su innovador uso del color y patrones en sus diseƱos, y las sensaciones y texturas que se presentan en el postre. Por esta razĆ³n se decide evaluar los empaques en los que son enviados los Mochis para descubrir los sonidos de la experiencia de abrirlos.


From knowing and studying the brand, it was decided that its focus is to provide its customers with a dessert "delicious for the soul, ready to give happiness and satisfaction in every bite" and that its main aspects to highlight are its innovative use of color and patterns in their designs and, the sensations and textures that appear in the dessert. For this reason it was decided to evaluate the packages in which the Mochis are sent to discover the sounds of the experience of opening them.ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

El producto final se compone de sonidos Ćŗnicamente realizados con los empaques de la marca tanto abrirlos como golpearlos, ademĆ”s se le suma una voz femenina que resalta la dulzura del producto.

Las notas de percusiĆ³n iniciales hacen alusiĆ³n a la estructura de dos partes de los Mochi como postre, lo anterior tambiĆ©n se ve reflejado en la propuesta para un logo animado de la marca.


The final product is made up of sounds only made with the brand's packaging, both opening and hitting them, as well as a feminine voice that highlights the sweetness of the product.

The initial percussion notes hint at the two-part structure of the Mochi dessert. This is also reflected in the proposal for an animated logo of the brand.
Branding:Ā LaValentina DesignĀ
Mochi-Mochi | Sonic Branding
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Mochi-Mochi | Sonic Branding

Propuesta sonora para la marca Mochi-Mochi y su logo animado. | Sound proposal for the Mochi-Mochi sonic brand and its animated logo.

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