Wolfgang Weingart
A typographical book about Wolfgang Weingart. The book content consists of his biography, his influence, his typography and his artwork. The book color are mainly black and white was because it reflect most Wolfgang Weingart color’s artwork. He love black white design and he plays around with the composition using geometric elements. Another color I use is yellow color as he started to use color in his artwork, he uses yellow. Therefore I choose yellow and it is also the most eye-catching color. 
For the heading I uses Akzidenz Grotesk, an early sanserif. Wolfang Weingart love to use Akzidenz Grotesk which it has a certain ugliness that is why it has it own character. For the body text, I use Times. As I found out that My Way to Typography uses Times throughtout. By creating this book, I hope people get know to more about Wolfgang Weingart and his typography journey.
Wolfang Weingart

Wolfang Weingart

A typographical book about Wolfgang Weingart. The book content consists of his biography, his influence, his typography and his artwork.
