Profiel van Pamela Posada

Pervivence - Surface design

Pervivencia es la duración o permanencia con vida más allá del paso del tiempo, los problemas o dificultades. Se define como continuidad y persistencia. 

Pervivence is the duration or permanence alive beyond the passage of time, problems or difficulties. It is defined as continuity and persistence. 

Our faces in the crowd
Branches in yellow - Surface design
A woman in lines - Surface design

Diseños de superficie hechos en líneas inspiradas en la naturaleza misma para crear un diseño elegante para sus productos.

Surface designs made in lines inspired by nature itself to create an elegant design for your products.

Pale pink grapes - Surface design
Fusion of wine - Surface design
Fallen leaves - Surface design
A boy in the leaves - Surface design
Tree bark pattern - Surface design
A girl in the tree - Surface design

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You can see these and more illustrations on my instagram @pameelaposada or can you buy my illustrations on products in my online store Society6

Pervivence - Surface design


Pervivence - Surface design

Surface design inspired in Pervivence: The duration or permanence alive beyond the passage of time, problems or difficulties. It is defined as co Meer lezen
