Henkilön Ruhul Iftekhar profiili

Comic spinoff series for Chabaw

Client: Chabaw
Director : S M Waliullah
Idea: S.M Waliullah & Ruhul Iftekhar
Illustrations: Ruhul Iftekhar . colorBOMBER
This has been one of my earliest and first commission series for a local food company named Chabaw. The project was to take iconic scenes from action movies, cartoons, pop culture and spinning off the story to suit and promote the brand, it's new locations. These are still used in 2020 in each outlets they open.

The illustrations were published on social and print media and framed. Later, booklets of comics were created and circulated in the city.
Comic spinoff series for Chabaw


Comic spinoff series for Chabaw
